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Getting involved with District 1 ASDA provides a unique ​opportunity to grow as a leader, immerse yourself in our ​profession, and advocate for dental students. All pre-doctoral ​ASDA members in District 1 are eligible to attend district and ​national events.

Applications for District 1 Cabinet are usually due in March/April ​each year.

If you want to be involved but are not necessarily sure if a cabinet ​position is right for our Instagram and your email for ​opportunities to get involved!


Jake Cantrell

Harvard School of Dental ​Medicine, Class of 2025

Past Trustees: Tareina Rogers - Tufts 2023-2024 | Shafa ​Nathani - Tufts 2022-2023 | Mark Pugliese - Boston ​2021-2022 | Alia Osseiran - Tufts, 2020-2021 | JT ​Vegrzyn - Boston 2019-2020 | Lindsey Janof - Boston, ​2018-2019 | Molly Conlon - Boston, 2017-2018 | Ava ​Lindert - UNE 2016-2017 | Mandeep Alamwala- Tufts ​2015-2016 | Helen Yang - Harvard 2014-2015


ASDA is a great way to get the most ​out of your dental school ​experience with professional ​development, leadership, and ​networking opportunities.

Contact your chapter ASDA ​President and visit the District 1 ​Instagram page to keep up with ​events!